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Share Command (Source Menu)

See Also

Command Remarks

Shares a file among multiple projects. This command enables a file or all files within a project to be shared with other project(s). Pinned files can not be shared.

To share a file, you create share links between multiple projects. The file is then in two (or more) projects at the same time. When you change the shared file in any project, the changes will be reflected in all the other project(s). To display a list of all the projects that share a specific file, click the Links tab in the File Properties dialog box.

When you share a project, you create an entirely new project under the destination project you are sharing to. It is an exact duplicate of the source project. All the files in the new project are shared with the corresponding files in the source project, and changes in one are reflected in the other.

In Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted, sharing a file does not increment the version number of the file.

Access Rights

You must have Share access right to both the source and destination projects to use this command.

Dialog Box Items


Select a project to which the file(s) or project will be shared


Enter comments for the shared file(s).

Branch after Share

Branches the file by creating independent copy of the file after being shared.

Recursive (project shares only)

Shares the project recursively. If this option is checked, all descendants of the project will be shared.


Cancels the Share command and closes the dialog box.


Shares the selected item to the selected project.

If you are sharing a project, after clicking Share, you will be prompted to name the shared copy of the project.